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单词 bloody
释义  blood·y1 /ˈblʌdi/ adjective, adverb spoken  1  VERY especially British English used to emphasize what you are saying, in a slightly rude way 很,太,十分,非常〔用于加强语气,略显粗鲁〕 It’s bloody cold out there! 外面真他妈的冷! That’s a bloody good idea. 这主意真不错。 Bloody hell! 该死的!2  bloody well spoken British English used to emphasize an angry statement or order 〔用于强调气愤的话或命令〕 It serves you bloody well right. 你实在是活该。Examples from the Corpusbloody• It got to be a bloody bind.• Yeltsin has entered an electoral contest that may be less bloody but even harder for him to win.• Shah Jehan had himself come to power twelve years earlier after a bloody civil war.• He begins his career as a boy with gruesome, bloody experiments on live animals.• He was holding a stout branch, and impaled upon it was the bloody head of the leopard.• The restaurant smelled of bloody meat and salad dressing.• a bloody nose• Finding out things in my line of business isn't like going to the bloody public library.• Even the bloody weather stayed nice!Related topics: Illness & disabilitybloody2 adjective  1. MIINJUREcovered in blood, or bleeding 血淋淋的,染满血的;流血的2  KILLINJUREwith a lot of killing and injuries 血腥的;伤亡惨重的;残忍的 a bloody battle 一场血战► see thesaurus at violent3  scream/yell bloody murder PROTEST American English informal to protest in a loud very angry way 大声愤怒地抗议 She was furious, screaming bloody murder at the manager! 她怒不可遏,对着经理大声吼叫!4  bloody/bloodied but unbowed HARM/BE BAD FORharmed by events but not defeated by them 流血不低头〔指受到伤害但没有被击倒〕 He emerged from the discussions bloody but unbowed. 他在这场争论中虽然遭受重创,却不低头认输。Examples from the Corpusbloody• Yeltsin has entered an electoral contest that may be less bloody but even harder for him to win.• Shah Jehan had himself come to power twelve years earlier after a bloody civil war.• He begins his career as a boy with gruesome, bloody experiments on live animals.• He was holding a stout branch, and impaled upon it was the bloody head of the leopard.• The restaurant smelled of bloody meat and salad dressing.Related topics: Illness & disabilitybloody3 verb (bloodied, bloodying, bloodies) [transitive]  MIINJUREto injure someone so that blood comes, or to cover something with blood 使流血;使沾上鲜血→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbloody• The boy punched Jack and bloodied his nose.blood·y1 adjectivebloody2 adjectivebloody3 verbChineseSyllable   a in emphasize are used saying, to you what Corpus




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