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单词 zest
释义  Related topics: Cookingzest /zest/ noun  1  [uncountable]ENTHUSIASTIC eager interest and enjoyment 热心,热情;兴趣zest for She had a great zest for life. 她对生活有极大的热情。2  [singular, uncountable]EXCITED the quality of being exciting and interesting 刺激性;趣味性 The danger of being caught added a certain zest to the affair. 被捉奸的危险为这件风流韵事增添了一些刺激性。3  [uncountable]DFC the outer skin of an orange or lemon, used in cooking 〔用于烹调的〕橙皮,柠檬皮 → peel, rind grated orange zest 橙皮细末 —zestful adjective —zestfully adverbExamples from the Corpuszest• More importantly they have admirable zest and wide interests.• Their CD captures the sparkle and zest of their live performances.• Lamaison converted and then the introduction of Christophe Dominici seemed to add further zest.• But it is the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall which is benefitting most from her zest and drive.• They could not find lasting zest and pleasure in their success and eventually had given up hope of ever finding it.• Place the almonds and lemon zest in the bowl of a food processor.• Add orange zest, tomatoes, and raisins and simmer approximately 10 minutes to form a light sauce consistency.• Brimming with zest, Doris, who was then seven years old, returned-with me to the corner.• He would play crib with zest with the lowest characters and would allow no argument.zest for• Francis has brought style and a real zest for life to the Valley.added ... zest• Then return refreshed with added zest and sparkle to participate in the particular circumstances which you have prepared for and chosen.nZest trademark  na yellow soap with a lemon smell which is used for washing the face and body, sold in the USOrigin zest (1400-1500) Frenchzest nounZestLDOCE OnlineChinese   enjoyment eager and Corpus interest




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