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单词 blithe
释义  blithe /blaɪð $ blaɪð, blaɪθ/ adjective  1  DON'T CAREseeming not to care or worry about the effects of what you do 不在意的,漫不经心的 a blithe disregard for the facts 对事实的漠视2. HAPPY literary happy and having no worries 无忧无虑的,快乐的 —blithely adverb He seems blithely unaware of how much anger he’s caused. 他漫不经心,好像不知道自己激起了多大的怒火。Examples from the Corpusblithe• Saconi was in there at one of the tables, blithe and ambivalent in the diffused natural light.• She wasn't the same Juliet Avery who had cycled to the hospital yesterday morning, blithe and carefree.• Mary spoke with blithe certainty about her future.• Around the conference centre, the party rocks on with blithe disregard for the economic and political turbulence beyond.• Nobody should be too blithe here either.• As for the promise to ban fox-hunting, it was given with such a blithe nonchalance as to be spine-chilling.• When Claire left, the blithe people followed her.• But this knowledge is not so easily acquired as blithe references to the problem might suggest.Origin blithe Old Englishblithe adjectiveChinese  not Corpus worry to or the effects seeming about care




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