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单词 blistering
释义  blis·ter·ing /ˈblɪstərɪŋ/ adjective  1  HOTextremely hot 炎热的,酷热的 SYN blazing the blistering heat of the desert 沙漠中的酷热2  blistering attack/criticism etc ANGRYvery critical remarks expressing anger and disapproval 猛烈的攻击/批评等 a blistering attack on her boss 对她老板的严厉指责3  used to describe actions in sport that are very fast or forceful 〔体育动作〕疾速的,强劲的 Hamilton set a blistering pace. 汉密尔顿如脱缰的野马冲在前面。 —blisteringly adverb a blisteringly hot day 一个暑气熏蒸的大热天Examples from the Corpusblistering• Collegians scored three tries in a blistering 12 minute spell early in the second-half to kill the match.• A closing 73 gave him victory by three shots over Bernhard Langer and Ian Woosnam who finished with a blistering 62.• Only the blistering 911 Turbo is quicker.• Recent shows at Ronnie Scott's saw blistering fretwork augmented by some snazzy digital sounds.• Parts had been seared by blistering heat, or buckled by terrible impact.• Mattan and the yellow jersey were right in the middle of the pack as it peddled hard in the blistering heat.• A blistering July sun, a cloudless blue sky and the wine-dark seas without even a ripple to show for themselves.• Reynolds it was who strung together the rackets that made those blistering returns.• blistering summer daysblis·ter·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  hot extremely Corpus




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