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单词 bliss
释义  bliss /blɪs/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingperfect happiness or enjoyment 极乐,无上幸福,福佑,至福domestic/wedded/marital bliss six months of wedded bliss 婚后六个月的幸福生活 I didn’t have to get up till 11 – it was sheer bliss. 我可以睡到11点才起来,真幸福啊。Examples from the Corpusbliss• I left him, sunk in bliss, and busied myself in the kitchen.• But then it's probably a case of ignorance is bliss.• If you like fish, this menu is bliss.• A feeling of bliss came over him as he fell asleep.• That might yield a perverse bliss compared with his present adversity.• Lying in the warm sun, listening to the sea was sheer bliss.• Alas, such bliss costs several thousand dollars a month, out of range for most of us.• The way home is warm bliss, drying off naturally.• After what appeared to be nine years of wedded bliss, the couple has separated.• The following 12 sun-filled days were bliss.domestic/wedded/marital bliss• Tensions soon simmered beneath the impression of domestic harmony and marital bliss.• I am not suggesting that shared parenting ensures marital bliss.• However, June looks like being a month of domestic bliss with some happy twists of fate in store.• In the credits, this was a nice comic moment, underpinning a scene of domestic bliss.• After nine years of wedded bliss, .• Certainly they now boasted insistently of the marital bliss of their daughter and the solid Civil Service progress of their son.• It was a celebration not just of 25 years' wedded bliss, but also the modern Labour Party.nBliss // trademark  na British monthly magazine for teenage girls. Its articles cover subjects such as cosmetics, fashion, pop groups, personal problems, and boys.Origin bliss Old Englishbliss nounBlissLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus happiness or perfect enjoyment




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