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单词 upload
释义  Related topics: Computersup·load1 /ʌpˈləʊd $ -ˈloʊd/ ●●○ verb [intransitive, transitive]  if information, a computer program etc uploads, or if you upload it, you move it from a small computer to a computer network so that other people can see it or use it (使)〔信息、计算机程序等〕上载,上传 OPP download It might take a while for this to upload. 上载这个可能要花些时间。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusupload• The love you download still is equal to the love you upload.• But since you always download far more data than you upload from the Internet, V90 modems work pretty well.• And if you're uploading or accessing password-protected sites, you might find one necessary.• Within 30 minutes of receiving EaziLink we were logged on and uploading our copy.• Take great care when uploading personal information such as your address or credit card number.• You can not upload recommendations, but crop inputs can be recorded straight into the unit in the field.• The editor could then instruct staff to upload them for approval.• You can upload through your Web browser but it's simpler with a dedicated program.• You compose your message, connect to your local Internet Service Provider, upload your mail and then disconnect.Related topics: Computersup·load2 /ˈʌpləʊd $ -loʊd/ noun [countable]  information, computer programs etc that have been uploaded, or the process of uploading them 上载[上传]的信息[计算机程序等];上载,上传 OPP download tips on handling file uploads 关于如何上传文件的提示From Longman Business Dictionaryuploadup‧load /ˌʌpˈləʊd-ˈloʊd/ verb [transitive] COMPUTING to move information or programs from your computer onto another computer, especially onto a larger central computerIf you are uploading and downloading big files you need a quicker modem.→ See Verb tableup·load1 verbup·load2 nounChineseSyllable  if or you uploads, information, computer Business if a Corpus etc upload program




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