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单词 wrestle
释义  wres·tle /ˈresəl/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]FIGHT to fight someone by holding them and pulling or pushing them (与某人)摔跤;扭打wrestle with The two men wrestled with each other. 两名男子互相扭打着。 Police officers wrestled him to the ground. 警察把他扑倒在地。2  [intransitive, transitive]MOVE something OR somebody to move something or try to move it when it is large, heavy, or difficult to move 使劲搬动[移动]〔很大、很重或很难移动的东西〕wrestle with Ray continued to wrestle with the wheel. 雷继续猛扳方向盘。3  wrestle with something DEAL WITHto try to understand or find a solution to a difficult problem 努力解决某事;为某事绞尽脑汁 I have been wrestling with this problem for quite some time. 这个问题我折腾了好久。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswrestle• The two boys wrestled for a while then gave up, tired.• Fireman John Peck grabbed the blade and wrestled it off the attacker as he lunged at colleagues.• Ted wrestled the top off a can of chicken meat and put it in a bowl with some leftover macaroni and cheese.• His jaw was broken while he tried to wrestle with a drunken bus driver.• She kindly taught me, after that, To wrestle with her on the mat.wrestle with• You boys stop wrestling with each other!• Several passengers were wrestling with their luggage.Origin wrestle Old English wræstlian, from wræstan; → WRESTwres·tle verbChineseSyllable   Corpus and fight holding someone by them to




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