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单词 bed
释义  Related topics: Oceanography, Gardening, Geology, Furniture, Geographyldoce_020_ibed1 /bed/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  sleep 睡眠 [countable, uncountable] a piece of furniture that you sleep on 床in bed Simon lay in bed thinking. 西蒙躺在床上想事情。 You should go to bed early. 你应该早点上床。 She got into bed and turned out the light. 她上了床,关掉灯。before bed (=before going to bed) 睡前 Dad has a whisky before bed. 爸爸睡觉前要喝一杯威士忌。 → camp bed, four-poster bed, sofa bed →5  See picture of camp bed 折叠床, bunk beds 双层床, cot BrE【英】/crib AmE【美】婴儿床 ... →4  See picture of 见图 bed2  sex 性 [uncountable] informal used to refer to having sex 性交 I came home and found him in bed with (=having sex with) my best friend. 我回到家里,发现他和我最要好的朋友在床上。 He wanted me to go to bed with him. 他要我跟他上床。 He’s been trying to get his secretary into bed. 他一直想把他的秘书弄上床。 She told me he was good in bed (=a skilful lover). 她跟我说他的床上功夫很好。3  river/lake/sea 河/湖/海 [countable]HEO the flat ground at the bottom of a river, lake, or sea 〔河、湖或海的〕底;(河)床 the sea bed 海底► see thesaurus at bottom4  garden 花园 [countable]DLG an area of a garden, park etc that has been prepared for plants to grow in 苗床;花圃;花坛 rose beds 玫瑰花坛5. rock 岩石 [countable]HEG a layer of rock 岩层 → bedrock(2)6  lowest layer 最下面一层 [singular]BOTTOM a layer of something that forms a base that other things are put on top of 底部;地基,基座bed of prawns on a bed of lettuce 铺在生菜上面的大虾7  HEOin river/water 在河里/在水中 [countable] an area at the edge of a river or in deeper water where things grow 〔有某物生长的〕河边;水底 an oyster bed 牡蛎层 The birds build their nests in reed beds along the river bank. 鸟儿把巢筑在河边的芦苇丛中。8. get out of bed on the wrong side British English, get up on the wrong side of the bed American EnglishBAD-TEMPERED to feel slightly angry or annoyed for no particular reason 〔无缘由地〕感觉不对劲,心情不好9  not a bed of roses DIFFICULTnot a happy, comfortable, or easy situation 不是一帆风顺,不是称心如意 Life isn’t always a bed of roses, you know. 要知道,人生并非总能事事如意。10. you’ve made your bed and you must lie on it ACCEPT spoken used to say that you must accept the results of your actions, even if they are bad 自己铺的床自己躺;自作自受,自食其果11. put something to bed technical to complete a newspaper, magazine, or book, so that it is ready to be printed 把〔报刊或书籍〕付印n GRAMMAR: Patterns with bedon the bed• You use on the bed when someone is not covered by sheets or blankets: He sat on the bed and took off his shoes.I lay on the bed and looked at the bed• You use in bed when someone is covered with sheets or blankets: I spent the morning in the bed• You use in the bed to refer to a particular bed: There was no one in the bed. COLLOCATIONSverbsgo to bed 上床睡觉What time do you go to bed at night? 你晚上什么时候上床睡觉?get into bed/get out of bed 上床/起床I usually read for a bit after I get into bed. 我上床后一般都要看一会书。climb into bed 爬上床Lucy climbed into bed and lay awake thinking. 露西上床后躺着想事情。crawl into bed (=get into bed feeling very tired) (疲惫地)爬上床We finally crawled into bed at three in the morning. 凌晨三点钟我们终于爬上了床。jump into/out of bed 跳上床/跳下床I jumped out of bed and ran over to the window. 我跳下床跑到窗口。nget somebody out of bed (=make someone get out of bed)His mother couldn’t get him out of bed in the mornings.nstay in bed (=not get up early/at the usual time)At the weekend it’s really nice to be able to stay in bed.make the bed (=tidy the sheets and covers after you get up) 铺床nDon’t forget to make your bed before you go out!change a bed (=put clean sheets on it) 换床单nYou should change the beds at least once a fortnight.put somebody to bed (=put a child in their bed) 安顿某人上床nI put the baby to bed at 7 o'clock as usual.take to your bed written (=go to bed because you feel ill) 【书面】〔因生病〕卧床nGuy had a stomach ache and took to his bed.adjectivesa single bed (=for one person) 单人床nThere was only a single bed.a double bed (=a bed for two people) 双人床nWould you like a double bed or twin beds?a king-size bed (=a very big double bed) 特大双人床a queen-size bed (=a big bed for two people) 大双人床twin beds (=two single beds in a room) 成对的单人床bunk beds (=two single beds joined together one above the other) 双层床nThe kids love sleeping in bunk beds.a spare bed (=a bed for visitors to your home) 备用床,空床nCome and stay any time – we have a spare feather bed (=a bed with feathers in the mattress)phrasesthe foot/head of the bed (=the bottom/top of the bed) 床尾/床头I woke up to find someone standing at the foot of the bed. 我醒来时发现有人站在床尾。(it’s) time for bed (是)上床睡觉的时候She sat and sewed until it was time for bed. 她坐着缝缝补补,直到该上床睡觉的时候。Examples from the Corpusbed• We made love in my big bed as the lemon light of winter days passed into reddish nights.• an old brass bed• Smooth stones covered the creek bed.• a double bed• She slides her hand under the mattress on the double bed, brings out a revolver and slips it into her bag.• I tiptoe over to her bed and give her a nudge.• I was back in a few minutes, but the boy was not on his bed.• Were they to be three in that huge bed?• the river bed• The screens were around the bed and the draught from the door set them billowing like sails.• She thought Robin must sleep in this bed with Penny, curled around her protectively as you would sleep with a bed with• I dreamt that I was in Cardiff and in bed with the wife.• Talk about getting in bed with your readers.• Maryland should not follow in the footsteps of those states that symbolically got in bed with the Ku Klux Klan.• Other days, she would draw the curtains in their room and lie in bed with a cloth pressed to her forehead.• The brother died and Hubert spent two days lying in bed with the corpse of his brother.• The brass represents a woman sitting up in bed with two females standing on each side of the bed.• He was in bed with another woman.• Richard was in bed with dysentery.bed of• Our pasta salad is served on a bed of lettuce.bed2 verb (bedded, bedding) [transitive]  1  ATTACHto fix something firmly and deeply into something else 固定在…上;嵌入;埋置bed something in something The foundations were bedded in cement. 地基埋在水泥中。2. SEX/HAVE SEX WITH old-fashioned to have sex with someone 和…上床〔发生性关系〕3 bed down phrasal verb a) to sleep somewhere which is not your bed and where you do not usually sleep 〔在一个临时的地方〕睡觉 Can I bed down on your sofa? 我能睡在你的沙发上吗?b) bed somebody/something ↔ down to make a person or animal comfortable in a place where they do not usually sleep 安置〔人或动物在一个临时的地方〕睡觉c) if a new system or arrangement beds down, problems with it are solved and it gradually starts to work in the way that it should 〔新制度或安排〕开始生效,开始运作4.bed something ↔ out phrasal verb to put plants into the ground so that they can grow 栽,种〔在地里〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbed• Are you about ready to bed down for the night, Bern?• So the total effect was like bedding down for the night on the north face of Kilimanjaro.• Luch bedded on a bag of bracken in a corner, but she and Ranald woke earlier than the old man.• It can also be used to bed wood floor blocks, cork and vinyl tiles.BEd British English, B.Ed. American English /biː ˈed/ noun [countable]  1.(Bachelor of Education) a first university degree in education 教育学学士Examples from the CorpusBEd• Enough progress had been made by March 197 1 for a BEd ordinary degree to be approved.• These procedures work prorata for BEd students on a four-year degree.• The structure of many BEd courses, however, made this impossible.• It decided to join the team visiting Berkshire to discuss the BEd revisions.• The BEd report was issued in December, after a second conference had discussed the DipHE report in June.Origin bed Old English beddbed1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1bed2 verbBEd nounLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus that a of you furniture piece




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