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单词 worth
释义 Word family  noun worth worthlessness worthy unworthiness adjective worth worthless worthwhile worthy ≠ unworthy  worth1 /wɜːθ $ wɜːrθ/ ●●● S1 W2 adjective  1  be worth something VALUE a) to have a value in money 值…钱 The house must be worth quite a lot of money now. 这房子现在一定值大钱了。 One of the pictures is worth £50,000. 其中一幅画值5万英镑。 Do you know how much the ring is worth? 你知道这枚戒指值多少钱吗? This art collection is worth a fortune (=worth a very large amount of money). 这批艺术收藏品价值连城。be worth nothing/not be worth anything It’s a very old machine so I shouldn’t think it’s worth anything. 这台机器已经很旧,因此我觉得它一文不值。 b) to have money or possessions that have value 拥有…价值的财产 I’ve heard that he’s worth over $2 million. 我听说他有两百多万美元的身家。 The man who founded the company must be worth a fortune. 创立这家公司的人一定家财不菲。 ► Worth is not a verb. Do not say that something ‘worths’ something.worth 不是动词,不要说 something ‘worths’ something。2  be worth (doing) something a) USEFULused to say that something is interesting, useful, or helpful 值得做某事 A lot of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting. 这个地区的许多小镇确实值得去看一看。 The film is well worth seeing. 这部影片很值得一看。worth a trip/visit etc The local museum is worth a visit. 当地这家博物馆值得参观。 b) used to say that someone should do something because they will gain something from it 应该做某事be worth doing something It’s worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it. 在合同上签字之前应该核对细节。 It’s well worth getting there early if you want a good seat. 你如果想要一个好座位,就该早点到那里。be worth the time/effort/work It was a great evening, and definitely worth all the hard work. 那个夜晚太美妙了,所有的辛苦绝对没有白费。3  be worth it informal used to say that you gain something from an action 值得 It was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it. 虽然非常辛苦,但是值得。4  be not worth it informal used to say that you do not gain anything from an action 不值得;徒劳 I thought about trying to talk to him about it, but decided it wasn’t worth it. 我曾经想过和他谈谈这件事,不过最后还是认为谈了也是白谈。5  be worth somebody’s while (to do/doing something) spoken used to say that someone should spend time or money on something because they will gain something from it 值得某人花时间[钱](去做某事) It might be worth your while to talk to the head of department. 和部门主管谈谈也许对你会有好处。 Some people feel it’s not worth their while working if they can get money from the state. 有些人觉得要是可以从政府那里拿到钱就没有必要去工作。6  make it worth somebody’s while spokenPAY FOR to offer something to someone so that they will do something for you 酬谢某人,给某人报酬 He promised to make it worth our while. 他答应要酬谢我们。7. what’s it worth (to you)? spokenPAY FOR used humorously to ask someone how they will reward you if you do something for them 有什么好处?〔用于替别人做事时问对方会怎样酬谢自己;幽默用法〕8  for what it’s worth spokenNOT SURE used when you are giving someone information, to say that you are not sure how useful it is 不管有没有价值〔用于表示自己提供的资料不一定有用〕 Here’s the list of names, for what it’s worth. 这里有一张名单,不一定能派上用场。9  for all you are/he is etc worth LOT/VERY MUCHwith as much effort as possible 竭尽全力 He was pulling the rope for all he was worth. 他在拼命拉绳子。10  worth his/her salt doing their job well or deserving respect 胜任工作;应受尊敬 Any player worth his salt would love to play for his country. 任何一名值得尊敬的运动员都愿意为国家效力。11  worth your/its etc weight in gold very useful 非常有用 In these mountains, an experienced guide is worth his weight in gold. 在这群山里,一位经验丰富的向导是极有帮助的。worth2 ●●● W3 noun [uncountable]  1  ten pounds’ worth/$500 worth etc of something an amount of something worth ten pounds, $500 etc 价值10英镑/500美元等的东西 a chance to win £2,000 worth of computing equipment 一次赢取价值2,000英镑的电脑设备的机会 The fire caused thousands of pounds’ worth of damage. 火灾造成了数千英镑的损失。2  ten minutes’ worth/a week’s worth etc of something XXsomething that takes ten minutes, a week etc to happen, do, or use 可维持[使用]十分钟/一星期等的某物;需要十分钟/一星期等来完成的某事物 We had only three days’ worth of food left. 我们只剩下够吃三天的食物了。3  how good or useful something is or how important it is to people 价值;意义;作用;重要性 SYN value The new computer system has already proved its worth. 新的计算机系统已经证明了它的价值。4  VALUEhow much money something is worth 〔金钱上的〕价值 SYN value It is difficult to estimate the current worth of the company. 很难估算出这家公司当前的资产价值。Examples from the Corpusworth• Phone hackers made $ 35,000 worth of calls over the course of several months.• He wins £100 worth of Phoenix 2000 fish food.• What's the current worth of the company?• Over 50 people were killed and millions of dollars' worth of carpets and other goods were destroyed.• They require hundreds of millions of dollars worth of new equipment and fiber optic backbone to make them two-way streets.From Longman Business Dictionaryworthworth1 /wɜːθwɜːrθ/ noun [uncountable]1the value of something in moneyThe balance sheet will not show the current worth of the company.I am willing to buy £100,000 worth of bonds.2ten hours’ worth/a week’s etc worth of something something that takes ten hours, a week etc to happen or to doYou may be faced with two days’ worth of maintenance.Investors risk losing a few months’ worth of interest. → see also comparable worth, net worthworthworth2 preposition [uncountable]1be worth to have a particular value in moneyWhat is the publishing group worth?The company’s assets are worth $70 a share.defense contracts worth $10 billion2be worth millions/a fortune informal to be extremely richWhoever invented the Internet must be worth a fortune.3if it is worth doing something, or if something is worth doing, an advantage will be gained by doing itIf commission fees are cut any further, it simply won’t be worth doing business anymore.Origin worth1 Old English weorth “worthy, of a particular value” worth2 Old English weorthworth1 adjectiveworth2 nounChinese  in a Corpus value Business to money have




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