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单词 bashful
释义  bash·ful /ˈbæʃfəl/ adjective  SHYeasily embarrassed in social situations 腼腆的,害羞的,忸怩的 SYN shy a bashful grin 腼腆的笑容 Don’t be bashful about telling people how you feel. 不要羞于说出自己的感受。► see thesaurus at shy —bashfully adverb —bashfulness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusbashful• Sheila was never bashful about asking a question.• Women should also remember that many men are bashful about discussing their feelings out in the open.• And we should not be bashful about its place in the current international art scene.• He was a moving man, bashful but debonair.• But no amount of bashful cuteness can disguise its humourless narcissism.• Next, the death-defying act from the stewardesses, those bashful girls and their oxygen mine.• Kirsty gave Willy a bashful grin.• Not one for being bashful, I selected the naughtiest setting - wouldn't you?• a bashful smile• Her defiant black clothes belie her bashful smile.Origin bashful (1400-1500) bash “to be embarrassed or ashamed” ((14-17 centuries)), from abash; → ABASHEDbash·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable  situations social Corpus in easily embarrassed




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