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单词 workaday
释义  work·a·day /ˈwɜːkədeɪ $ ˈwɜːr-/ adjective [only before noun]  ORDINARYordinary and not interesting 平凡的;平淡的 SYN everyday He promised to tackle the workaday matters affecting people’s daily lives. 他承诺要解决影响人们日常生活的一般问题。Examples from the Corpusworkaday• Terry deals with the workaday details of running a store.• And here sits Rusty Sabich, thirty-nine years old, full of lifelong burdens and workaday fatigue.• Sometimes, complete new pieces of biochemical equipment evolve, but more often workaday genes are pressed into service.• The civilization underlying it, that of modest workaday life, had very little share in it.• Even at its most workaday, shop life held a hint of drama and spectacle.• After the opulence of the rest of the palace, the workaday Tudor Kitchens come as something of a relief.• They find it easier to listen to their own thoughts and ideas rather than to focus on the workaday world.Origin workaday (1800-1900) workyday ((16-19 centuries)), from workyday “working day” ((16-19 centuries)), from workeday ((12-16 centuries)), from work + daywork·a·day adjectiveChineseSyllable  ordinary Corpus and interesting not




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