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单词 workable
释义 Word family  noun work workaholic worker working workings adjective workable ≠ unworkable overworked working verb work rework  work·a·ble /ˈwɜːkəbəl $ ˈwɜːr-/ adjective  1  POSSIBLEa workable system, plan etc will be practical and effective 〔制度、计划等〕可行的 a workable solution to the problem 解决这一问题的可行方法 a workable timetable 可行的时间表► see thesaurus at possible2  MAKEa substance that is workable can be shaped with your hands 〔物质〕可〔用手〕加工的,可塑的 workable clay for making pots 制作陶罐的可塑黏土Examples from the Corpusworkable• a workable and safe solution• workable clay• It does not just redress an historic wrong; it perfects a workable future.• Ores, which are economically workable mineral deposits, are highly concentrated occurrences of useful minerals.• A new plan provides for loans to students, but to make the system workable more government funding will be needed.• Getting your goal clear in your mind is the first step in making a dream real, workable, possible.• The descent to the Main Cliff and Upper tier remains serious, but no workable remedy has been found so far.• This may provide the first observable category of classroom behaviour for a workable schedule.• The National Curriculum orders for each study unit need to be turned into meaningful and workable schemes of work and class activities.• There is a dispute over land but we believe we have found a workable solution to this·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  system, plan Corpus workable will a be etc




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