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单词 blazing
释义  Related topics: Natureblaz·ing /ˈbleɪzɪŋ/ adjective [only before noun]  1  DNHOTextremely hot 炽热的 a blazing August afternoon 八月一个炎热的午后2  EMOTIONALfull of strong emotions, especially anger 强烈的〔尤指怒气〕 He jumped to his feet in a blazing fury. 他暴跳如雷。blazing row (=very angry argument) 激烈的争吵Examples from the Corpusblazing• The heat from the blazing car could be felt several metres away.• They sat on the sofa in front of a blazing fire.• Tiny figures in the distance, silhouetted against the flames, rushed about trying to extinguish the blazing hangars.• Soon after lunch, as they sheltered from the blazing heat, Julie stretched out on a towel and blanket.• The blazing lights of the casino shone out across the bay.• At twilight, the blazing orange sunset turned into a muted pink.• These mighty creatures made their lairs beneath the blazing peaks of the Dragon Spine Mountains.• the blazing reds and oranges of the flowers• Charles summoned Adeane, they had yet another blazing row, and Adeane returned to the more predictable workings of the Bar.• We stood for hours in the blazing sun.• The lightning was the forked kind and it branched suddenly like a firework and yet like the limb of a blazing tree.• The blazing wreckage crashed into wild, inaccessible countryside only eight miles from the airport.blazing row• You know how it is: one minute you're talking, the next there's a blazing row.• Charles summoned Adeane, they had yet another blazing row, and Adeane returned to the more predictable workings of the Bar.blaz·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  hot extremely Corpus




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