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单词 wiry
释义 Word family  noun wire wireless wiring adjective wiry wired wireless verb wire  wir·y /ˈwaɪəri $ ˈwaɪri/ adjective  1. THIN PERSONSTRONG PERSONsomeone who is wiry is thin but has strong muscles 〔人〕瘦而结实的2. BENDwiry hair or grass is stiff and strong 〔毛发或草〕硬而结实的Examples from the Corpuswiry• Short, wiry, and with a dark and rather damaged complexion, he could have been a retired flyweight boxer.• The wiry Estrada flashes a partially capped smile as she gratefully recalls her first maquila job twisting electrical wires with latex-tipped fingers.• Richard Cory was a little man with wiry hair.• a wiry little Broadway show dancer from Puerto Rico• Father Vic was a wiry man in his late forties with a sharp nose and deep-set eyes.• Foresters passed us, small wiry men carrying machetes and, in one case, a crossbow for shooting birds.• About the only people who can move rapidly over such terrain are the tough and wiry park service hunters.• His father, Michael, was a short, wiry, quiet man, a sheet-metal worker.• A thin wiry woman, her name was Meg and not herself the full shilling.wir·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  strong is who Corpus has but muscles wiry someone is thin




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