单词 |
window seat |
释义 |
Related topics: Furnitureˈwindow ˌseat noun [countable] 1. a seat next to the window on a bus, plane etc 〔公共汽车、飞机等的〕靠窗座位2. DHFa seat directly below a window 窗座〔窗下的座位〕Examples from the Corpuswindow seat• Cara sat on a deep window seat, Laura beside her.• Clarisa passed him over to me at the window seat so she could pull out a change of clothes.• Paul offers Bill the window seat.• He paused by the window seat, a replica of one he had noticed at the other end of the gallery.• Breathlessly she flung herself down on the window seat.• Marge sat down on the window seat, and tucked her hair into the bandanna.• They supply fresh insights, infuse you with energy and give up the window seat without complaint.ˈwindow ˌseat nounChineseSyllable next bus, to etc a seat the on plane a Corpus window |
随便看 |
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