随便看 |
- if you've got it, flaunt it
- if you want
- I give it a month
- I give it six weeks
- I give it six weeks/a month etc
- I give you the chairman
- I give you the chairman groom
- I give you the chairman minister
- I give you the chairman/prime minister/groom etc
- I give you the prime
- I give you the prime groom
- I give you the prime minister
- igloo
- igloos
- Ignatius of Loyola, St
- ignatius-of-loyola,-st
- igneous
- ignite
- ignited
- ignites
- igniting
- ignition
- ignitions
- ignoble
- ignominious
- Require
- Sometimes
- Sell
- Former
- Pass
- Else
- Field
- Hard
- Late
- Perhaps
- 周易·涣卦第五十九《《象》曰:初六之吉,顺也.》
- 周易·渐卦第五十三《《象》曰:山上有木,渐,君子以居贤德善俗.》
- 周易·渐卦第五十三《六四,鸿渐于木,或得其桷,无咎.》
- 周易·渐卦第五十三《初六,鸿渐于干,小子厉,有言,无咎.》
- 周易·益卦第四十二《《象》曰:益用凶事,固有之也.》
- 周易·离卦第三十《《象》曰:明两作,离,大人以继明照于四方.》
- 周易·繫辞上传《《易》与天地準,故能弥纶天地之道.仰以观于天文,俯以察于地理,是故知幽明之故,原始反终,故知死生之说,精气爲物,游魂爲变,是故知鬼神之情状.与天地相似,故不违,知周乎万物而道济天下,故不过,旁行而不流,乐天知命,故不忧,安土敦乎仁,故能爱.範围天地之化而不过,曲成万物而不遗,通乎昼夜之道而知,故神无方而《易》无体.》
- 周易·繫辞下传《《易》之爲书也,原始要终以爲质也.六爻相杂,唯其时物也.其初难知,其上易知:本末也,初辞拟之,卒成之终.若夫杂物撰德,辩是与非,则非其中爻不备.噫!亦要存亡吉凶,则居可知矣.知者观其彖辞,则思过半矣.二与四同功而异位,其善不同:二多誉,四多惧,近也.柔之爲道,不利远者⑩,其要无咎,其用柔中也.三与五同功而异位:三多凶,五多功,贵贱之等也.其柔危,其刚胜邪?》
- 周易·萃卦第四十五《《象》曰:大吉无咎,位不当也.》
- 周易·观卦第二十《《象》曰:“闚观女贞”,亦可丑也.》
- 周易·观卦第二十《初六,童观,小人无咎,君子吝.》
- 周易·解卦第四十《《象》曰:“解而拇”,未当位也.》
- 周易·解卦第四十《九二,田获三狐,得黄矢,贞吉.》
- 周易·谦卦第十五《六二,鸣谦,贞吉.》
- 周易·豫卦第十六《《象》曰:雷出地奋,豫,先王以作乐崇德,殷荐之上帝,以配祖考.》
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- Direct pressure句子
- Prioress句子
- State department句子
- Richelieu句子
- Steam turbine句子
- Hyponym句子
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