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单词 whoop
释义  whoop /wuːp, huːp/ verb [intransitive]  1  SHOUTto shout loudly and happily 〔高兴地〕大叫,欢呼 Hundreds of people ran past them, whooping joyously. 数百人大声欢呼着从他们身边跑过。2. whoop it up informalENJOY/LIKE DOING something to enjoy yourself very much, especially in a large group 〔尤指在一大群人中〕玩得很痛快;狂欢 —whoop noun [countable] whoops of victory 胜利的欢呼→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswhoop• The bikes closed in, whooping.• To kill time, fans tried to get a wave started, throwing up their arms and whooping.• Young Donald McCulloch whooped and two of the McLaggan girls whooped with him.• The fat girl whooped, covered her hand with her mouth, and shrugged.• A fire truck or an ambulance whoops somewhere beyond the window, adding cruelly to my unease.• The two of them whooped, thumped their glasses on the table and rumbled their feet underneath.Origin whoop (1300-1400) Old French houpper, from the sound. whoop verbChinese  to Corpus happily shout loudly and




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