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单词 whack
释义  whack1 /wæk/ verb [transitive] informal  1  HITto hit someone or something hard 猛击,重击whack somebody/something with something He kept whacking the dog with a stick. 他不停地用棍子打狗。► see thesaurus at hit2  British English spokenPUT to put something somewhere 放,塞whack something in/on/under etc something Just whack the bacon under the grill for a couple of minutes. 就把熏肉放在烤架下烤几分钟。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswhack• If he said anything like that to me, I'd whack him!• The Georgia man whacked his fist on the bar.• He whacked his pants leg with the dowel.• I go down like I was whacked in the face with a shovel.• Or a guard will put a bucket on your head and whack it with a truncheon.• Steve has not been the same man since he whacked Saskia with an ashtray and buried her body in Epping Forest.• Like Chrissie Evert executing an effortless backhand crosscourt volley at Wimbledon, Perdita shot forward and whacked the ball home.• Buckley whacked the ball into left field.• Paul was a distant puppet, jerking and leaping and throwing back his arms and whacking the bomb repeatedly on the side.• Apparently someone whacked the side of my car with their door.• With a series of lame and recycled bits, this spring tryout comedy whacks us over the head with every joke.Related topics: Colours & soundswhack2 noun [countable] especially spoken  1  CHITthe act of hitting something hard, or the noise this makes 重击(声) She gave the ball a whack. 她猛击了一下球。 Singleton took a whack at (=tried to hit) Miller’s head. 辛格尔顿用力朝米勒的头部打去。2  British EnglishTOTAL an amount of something 〔某物的〕数量(the) full whack If you’re unemployed, you don’t have to pay the full whack (=the full amount). 如果你没有工作,就不用付全额。 There’s still a fair whack (=quite a large amount) of work to be done. 仍有很多工作要做。 These agencies charge top whack for tickets. 这些代理处收取高额票价。3  do your whack (of something) especially spoken British EnglishSHARE to do a fair or equal share of a job or activity 做你应做的一份〔工作或活动〕 I’ve done my whack of the driving – it’s your turn. 我开过车了——现在轮到你开了。4  have a whack at something especially spoken British English, take a whack at something American EnglishTRY TO DO OR GET something to try to do something 试着做某事 ‘Are you any good at doing maths?’ ‘I’ll have a whack at it.’ “你做数学题拿手吗?”“我试试看。”5  in one whack especially spoken American EnglishTIME/AT THE SAME TIME all on one occasion 一下子 Steve lost $500 in one whack. 史蒂夫一下子损失了500美元。6  out of whack especially spoken American EnglishTIME/AT THE SAME TIME if a system, machine etc is out of whack, the parts are not working together correctly 〔系统、机器等〕有毛病,不正常 The printer’s out of whack again. 打印机又出毛病了。Examples from the Corpuswhack• She gave my hand a whack with a ruler.• To be sure, my historical mentors in this race also took a whack at my Catholic heritage.• He got a bruising whack in his right eye - the one he uses to peer through his telescope at the stars.• This is 180 degrees out of whack.• In the fourth round of the Catalonia Open, the elements threw all our figuring out of whack.• From outside came another quick whack of the mallet.• Soon the whole valley was resounding with the same thud, thud, whack, from every rooftop in the village.• You are expected to pay your whack to benefit society at large.gave ... a whack• Upon learning of this daily miracle, a curious neighbor gave the fish a whack.(the) full whack• At full whack, I would guess that the Rivera exhibits some very unsociable tendencies indeed.Origin whack1 (1700-1800) Probably from the sound of hittingwhack1 verbwhack2 nounChinese   Corpus someone to or hard hit something




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