单词 |
Welsh, Irvine |
释义 |
Welsh, Irvine Irvine WelshWelsh, Ir·vine /ˈɜːvɪn $ ˈɜːr-/ (1958–) a Scottish writer whose best-known novel, Trainspotting, was made into a successful film. The characters in Welsh’s novels are usually young and take drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Their lives are hard, but the stories are told with a lot of humour. Welsh has been called ‘the poet laureate of the chemical generation’, meaning that he is respected and liked by young people who drink and take drugs.Welsh, Ir·vineSyllable |
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- 《养生保精》原文与赏析
- 《养生修身·老子》原文|注释|赏析
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