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单词 well-oiled
释义  ˌwell-ˈoiled adjective  a well-oiled machine EFFICIENTan organization or system that works very well 运作正常的机构[系统]Examples from the Corpuswell-oiled• But there was nothing laconic about his mind, which was known to tick over like a well-oiled clock.• A whitewashed verandah contained bags of wheat and well-oiled harnesses.• The heavy ornate kitchen door swung silently open on well-oiled hinges.• This could never happen in the Bush operation, which has been turning out policy positions like a well-oiled machine.• He was a handsome young guy with a head of well-oiled reddish hair.• He might say Don't you think having a well-oiled rifle is more important?• You must also buy three large tubes of silicone and a well-oiled silicone gun.ˌwell-ˈoiled adjectiveChineseSyllable  well or works system Corpus very that an organization




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