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单词 weeping
释义  weep·ing /ˈwiːpɪŋ/ adjective  weeping willow/birch etc HBPa tree with branches that hang down towards the ground 垂柳/垂枝桦等Examples from the Corpusweeping• The symbolism of weeping eczema seems obvious.• You can see this typical shape in some house plants, such as weeping fig.• My forgiveness, to ease your weeping heart?• Jane finally spoke, a weeping voice begging forgiveness.• Not a happy marriage, and not one that could take on the extra burden of a weeping widowed friend.• He climbed back into the warm bed and drew his weeping wife to him.• In its middle was a statue of a weeping woman holding her slain son.• Little black cameos of urns and weeping women all mounted in real old gold.weep·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  that with a Corpus down tree hang branches




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