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单词 wayward
释义  way·ward /ˈweɪwəd $ -wərd/ adjective  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSbehaving badly, in a way that is difficult to control 难以控制的;任性的;倔强的 a wayward teenager 任性的少年 —waywardness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuswayward• They were both very smart and correct, but Grandad was a little more wayward.• The dashboard sports a gash from wayward bicycle gears.• Aunt Sally left her personal estate of several hundred thousand dollars to a home for wayward Dalmatians.• Leonie felt a momentary pang of compassion for her wayward granddaughter.• The chemistry had been between them from the start, waiting only for a wayward spark to ignite it.• wayward youthOrigin wayward (1300-1400) awayward “turned away” ((13-16 centuries)), from away + -wardway·ward adjectiveChineseSyllable  behaving control in a badly, to is Corpus that difficult way




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