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单词 watery
释义  wa·ter·y /ˈwɔːtəri $ ˈwɒː-, ˈwɑː-/ adjective  1  LIQUIDfull of water or relating to water 充满水的;与水有关的 Her eyes were red and watery from crying. 她的眼睛哭得红红的,眼里含满泪水。 Snakes lay eggs in a watery environment. 蛇在潮湿的环境里产卵。2  COLOUR/COLORvery weak or pale 微弱的;苍白的 a watery sun 苍白的太阳 She gave him a watery smile. 她朝他淡然一笑。3  LIQUIDwatery food or drink contains too much water and has little taste 〔食物或饮料〕稀薄的,含水太多的;味淡的 a bowl of watery stew 一碗稀薄无味的炖菜4. a watery grave literaryMXDIE if someone has a watery grave, they drown (=die by breathing in water) 葬身水底Examples from the Corpuswatery• The coffee is horrible - really weak and watery.• All they had to eat for weeks was bread and watery cabbage soup.• Nicole got a cup of watery coffee from the machine downstairs.• The airline even staged a memorial near the watery crater in the Everglades.• All week-end long, it sat on the kitchen table staring at him like a cold watery eye.• Ragweed causes runny noses and watery eyes.• On the walls are framed prints of herons and egrets in cypress swamps and watery glades.• Steward needed three shots to escape his watery grave and had a drenched set of waterproofs to prove it.• a watery green light• The net curtains were planets of watery growth.• In the eyes of the neighbours a watery oblivion.• Lava lamps adorned the stage, while watery, pulsating lights flashed behind them.• Men and boys send it arching, watery tributes.eyes ... watery• He'd got thinner and the blue eyes were getting watery, but nothing would persuade him to rest.• His eyes were watery, tears collected at the corners.wa·ter·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  relating water or to full of water Corpus




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