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单词 water cooler
释义  ˈwater ˌcooler noun [countable]  1. a piece of equipment, used especially in offices, from which you can get a cup of cold water to drink 〔尤指办公室里用于供应冷水的〕饮水机2. water cooler gossip conversation about other people’s behaviour or lives that happens in offices when people meet each other by the water cooler 饮水机边的闲聊Examples from the Corpuswater cooler• water cooler gossip• How do you think that would play around the old water cooler?• The All-Star team is always a good topic for discussion around the water cooler or at the bar.• Meetings around the water cooler are encouraged rather than discouraged.ˈwater ˌcooler nounChineseSyllable  equipment, which in a from used Corpus offices, especially you of piece




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