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单词 wasted
释义 Word family  noun wastage waste wastefulness waster wastrel adjective waste wasteful wasted wasting verb waste adverb wastefully  Related topics: Drug culturewast·ed /ˈweɪstɪd/ adjective  1  wasted journey/trip/effort etc WASTE somethinga journey etc that does not achieve anything 白费的行程/旅行/努力等 I’m sorry you’ve had a wasted trip. Mr Newton isn’t here. 对不起,让你白跑了一趟,牛顿先生不在这里。2  WEAKvery thin and weak because of illness, old age etc 〔因生病或年迈而〕瘦弱的 her thin, wasted body 她瘦弱的身体3. informalMDD very drunk or affected by drugs 烂醉的;被毒品麻醉的Examples from the Corpuswasted• They clasped hers weakly and a smile flitted over the wasted features.• Pembrooke had a wasted journey to Downpatrick yesterday.• The government could have dealt with the problem there and then. It was a wasted opportunity.• I felt as if my education had been wasted when I couldn't get a job.• She thought back over the past four years - four wasted years married to a man who almost destroyed her.wast·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  a journey does etc Corpus anything not that achieve




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