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单词 vituperation
释义  vi·tu·pe·ra·tion /vɪˌtjuːpəˈreɪʃən $ vaɪˌtuː-/ noun [uncountable] formal  angry and cruel criticism 谩骂,咒骂,辱骂 SYN invectiveExamples from the Corpusvituperation• There was violent argument and vituperation on both sides.• It precipitated a flood of vituperation resulting in an inquiry into the nature of art and reality in relation to the photograph.• The speeches were full of vituperation and slander.• No one else attracted such vituperation from him.Origin vituperation (1500-1600) Old French Latin vituperatio, from vituperare “to blame, criticize”, from vitium ( → VICE) + parare “to make”vi·tu·pe·ra·tion nounChineseSyllable  angry Corpus and criticism cruel




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