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单词 virginia creeper
释义  Related topics: Plantsvir·gin·i·a creep·er /vɜːˌdʒɪniə ˈkriːpə $ vɜːrˌdʒɪniə ˈkriːpər/ noun [countable, uncountable]  HBPa garden plant that grows up walls and has large leaves that turn deep red in autumn 五叶地锦〔一种攀爬于墙上、秋天叶子会变成深红色的大叶园艺植物〕Examples from the Corpusvirginia creeper• And that is why the virginia creeper plant turns a lovely red colour in the autumn.• The virginia creeper was a little more luxuriant perhaps and the wood-work had been newly painted and was whiter than she remembered.vir·gin·i·a creep·er nounChineseSyllable  garden plant grows and up Corpus leaves large walls has a that




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