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单词 verso
释义  ver·so /ˈvɜːsəʊ $ ˈvɜːrsoʊ/ noun [countable] technical  a page on the left-hand side of a book 〔书的〕左页 → rectoExamples from the Corpusverso• Note that the verso always carries the even page number and the recto the odd number.From Longman Business Dictionaryversover‧so /ˈvɜːsəʊˈvɜːrsoʊ/ noun [countable] the page on the left-hand side of a bookThe verso always carries the even page number and the recto the odd number. → opposite rectoOrigin verso (1800-1900) Modern Latin verso (folio) “the page being turned”ver·so nounChineseSyllable  left-hand on a page of book Corpus a Business side the




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