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单词 valid
释义 Word family  noun validity ≠ invalidity adjective valid ≠ invalid verb validate ≠ invalidate  Related topics: Computersval·id /ˈvælɪd/ ●●○ AWL adjective  1  USE somethinga valid ticket, document, or agreement is legally or officially acceptable 有效的;正式认可的 OPP invalid a valid credit card 有效信用卡 Your return ticket is valid for three months. 你的往返票有效期为三个月。2  valid reason/argument/criticism etc RIGHT/JUSTIFIEDa reason, argument etc that is based on what is reasonable or sensible 合理[正当]的理由/论点/批评等 Police officers must have a valid reason for stopping motorists. 警察拦下驾车者必须有正当理由。3. a valid password, ID etc is one that will be accepted by a computer system 〔密码、账号等〕系统认可的,有效的 OPP invalid —validity /vəˈlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] I would question the validity of that statement. 我质疑那种说法的正确性。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: nounspointI think that's a valid point.reasonI had a perfectly valid reason for being there.argumentNone of these arguments are valid.criticismIf the criticism is valid, you should make the appropriate changes.excuseYou must have a valid excuse for any absence.adverbsequally validEach of these ways of looking at things is equally valid.perfectly validIt's a perfectly valid question.statistically/scientifically valid (=based on correct numbers or good research)The drug trials were scientifically valid.Examples from the Corpusvalid• He says they can even zoom in on tax discs to see if they're valid.• It is obvious that students should not believe that their own ideas by themselves are valid.• Oh, so you say the translation is not valid.• All of those criticisms are valid.• The government still hasn't produced a valid argument in favour of its policies on immigration.• But at this point, no valid comparison can be made between their clocks, for they are separated.• They had some valid concerns about the safety of the airplane.• This may not be a valid conclusion - we haven't tested it thoroughly yet.• a valid driver's license• My passport is valid for 10 years.• Both certificates are valid for three months and the ceremony must take place in the district where notice has been given.• The tourist visa is valid for three months.• Your ticket is valid for travel at any time of the day.• Please supply a valid name and password.• Incorrect or invalid names are mentioned following the valid ones.• Many of Rousseau's ideas are just as valid today as they were in the 18th century.From Longman Business Dictionaryvalidval‧id /ˈvælɪd/ adjectiveLAW a valid document or agreement is legally acceptable, often for a fixed period of timeThe court ruled that the firm’s patent is valid and enforceable.Investors with valid claims against the company could receive payments within a few months.The voucher is valid for 12 months.Origin valid (1500-1600) French valide, from Latin validus “strong, effective”, from valere; → VALORval·id adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus or ticket, document, agreement Business or valid a is legally




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