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单词 vaccinate
释义  Related topics: Hospital, Drugs, medicines, Illness & disabilityvac·cin·ate /ˈvæksəneɪt/ verb [transitive]  MHto protect a person or animal from a disease by giving them a vaccine 给…接种疫苗,给…打预防针 SYN immunizevaccinate somebody against something All children should be vaccinated against measles. 所有儿童都应该接种麻疹疫苗。 —vaccination /ˌvæksəˈneɪʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable] a flu vaccination 流感疫苗的接种→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusvaccinate• A health spokesman stressed there had been no reported deaths - and said parents should continue having their children vaccinated.• Anyone traveling to a country where exposure to the Hepatitis A virus is possible should be vaccinated.• Victims were isolated, and everyone who had been in contact with them was vaccinated.• To vaccinate a few hundred people in a village and find a disease there a decade later is one thing.• He had been vaccinated and soon recovered.• Smallpox was eliminated by a dedicated effort to vaccinate everyone.• Elvis Presley agreed to be vaccinated in public to inspire his teenage fans to submit to the needle.• Worcestershire Health Authority is another which doesn't vaccinate youngsters.vaccinate somebody against something• All children should be vaccinated against measles.vac·cin·ate verbChineseSyllable  animal Corpus to or by a disease a from person protect




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