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单词 uptake
释义  up·take /ˈʌpteɪk/ noun  1. be slow/quick on the uptake informalINTELLIGENTSTUPID/NOT INTELLIGENT to be slow or fast at understanding something 领会[理解]慢/快2  [singular] the number of people who use a service or accept something that is offered 接受〔某种服务或某事物〕的人数 The uptake of some vaccinations fell as the media stirred up fears of possible side effects. 媒体激起了人们对疫苗可能产生副作用的恐惧之后,有些疫苗的注射人数下降了。3  [countable, uncountable] the rate at which a substance is taken into the body, a system etc 吸收,摄取(率) the uptake of sugars by the blood 血液对糖分的吸收率Examples from the Corpusuptake• Disease activity must therefore be derived from the degree of abnormal bowel uptake on abdominal scans.• Table 2.1 compares National Certificate uptake over the past three sessions.• Among numerous negative results he found some quite simple compounds, aldehydes and fatty acids, which stimulated oxygen uptake.• The disease limits the uptake of water and nutrients into the tree.• Sarah wasn't slow on the uptake this time.Origin uptake 1. (1800-1900) Scottish English uptake “to understand” ((18-20 centuries)). 2. (1900-2000) up + takeup·take nounChineseSyllable   Corpus understanding to slow be fast something at or




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