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单词 upstairs
释义  up·stairs1 /ˌʌpˈsteəz◂ $ -ˈsterz◂/ ●●● S2 adverb  UPtowards or on an upper floor in a building 往楼上;在楼上 OPP downstairs I went upstairs and had a shower. 我上楼冲了个澡。 She’s upstairs in bed feeling ill. 她身体不舒服,在楼上躺着。 —upstairs adjective [only before noun] an upstairs window 楼上的窗户 the upstairs rooms 楼上的房间 → kick somebody upstairs at kick1(16)Examples from the Corpusupstairs• The children had been taken upstairs.• I picked up the phone when Nyrene was upstairs.• Lucy came rushing upstairs after her sister.• Other members of their families were upstairs dancing, and afterwards they all walked home in a group.• Relaxing upstairs in a warm bath, he suddenly realized he was not unwinding in just any old bathroom.• Or you can stay upstairs in your apartment and the same thing will be true.• I ran into the house and upstairs into Mrs Goreng's dressing-room, which commanded the best view.• Don't you think the woman upstairs is kind of strange?• Don't go upstairs - Mom's still getting dressed.• My office is upstairs on the right.• The bathroom is upstairs on your left.• I went upstairs, undressed, and got into bed.• Flora watched Mrs Brown staggering upstairs with a heavy tray.upstairs2 noun  the upstairs UPone or all of the upper floors in a building 楼上 OPP the downstairs Would you like to see the upstairs? 你要不要看看楼上?Examples from the Corpusupstairs• The old man upstairs decided that you and I would share this cell.up·stairs1 adverbupstairs2 nounChineseSyllable  an or a upper towards on in Corpus floor




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