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单词 rapture
释义  rap·ture /ˈræptʃə $ -ər/ noun [uncountable]  1  HAPPY literary great excitement and happiness 狂喜 The boys gazed up at him in rapture. 男孩们欣喜若狂地抬头注视着他。2  be in raptures/go into raptures British English formalEXCITED to express or feel great pleasure and happiness about something 欣喜若狂be in raptures/go into raptures over/about/at She went into raptures about the climate, the food, the spring flowers. 她陶醉于那里的气候、美食和春天的花儿。Examples from the Corpusrapture• Rather than feeling uncomfortable in his clothing, a kind of congenial rapture spread through me.• The constant stream of praise burbling in the background of the class swelled into shouts of rapture.• I will say that, in certain scenes of revelatory rapture, Updike has rarely been better.• Never had he known such rapture.• The effect is finally to provoke analysis rather than rapture or rationalization.• Elizabeth listened with rapture to everyday incidents of family life.Origin rapture (1500-1600) raptrap·ture nounChineseSyllable  great and happiness Corpus excitement




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