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单词 unused
释义  un·used1 /ˌʌnˈjuːzd◂/ ●○○ adjective  USE A PERSONnot being used, or never used 不在使用的;从未用过的 unused land 闲置的土地Examples from the Corpusunused• In effect the equivalent of a million pounds-worth of fees went unused.• The United States is a vast country with literally hundreds of square miles of land, unwanted and unused.• His old car sat in the garage, unused.• Unused ammunition was dumped by US planes over Laos.• unused ammunition• The operating system itself would have the ability to purge unused and unwanted programs.• Batteries which are unused for long periods may have to be recharged.• And you can keep carrying unused home-office deductions forward until you are able to use them.• The large batch of Recipe 179 he had made stood unused in the locked room.• He felt like a useless and unused link in the chain.• He is brimming with unused love, a passion for justice, a need to repent that surpasses what the law ordained.• Unused muscles can feel very sore when you start exercising.• an unused office• the safe disposal of unused stocks of pharmaceutical products• Any unused wool can be returned to the shop.un·used2 /ˌʌnˈjuːst◂/ adjective  unused to (doing) something EXPERIENCED#not experienced in dealing with something 不习惯于(做)某事 SYN unaccustomed a sensitive man unused to publicity 不习惯抛头露面的敏感的男人 Maggie was unused to being told what to do. 玛吉不习惯有人对她指手画脚。Examples from the Corpusunused• In effect the equivalent of a million pounds-worth of fees went unused.• The operating system itself would have the ability to purge unused and unwanted programs.• He is brimming with unused love, a passion for justice, a need to repent that surpasses what the law ordained.• The tendency for anyone unused to such enormous forces is literally to be thrown over the handlebars.un·used1 adjectiveun·used2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  being never Corpus not or used, used




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