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单词 unstuck
释义 Word family  noun sticker stickiness adjective sticky stuck unstuck non-stick verb stick  un·stuck /ˌʌnˈstʌk◂/ adjective  come unstuck a) British English informalFAIL if a person, plan, or system comes unstuck, they fail at what they were trying to achieve 〔人、计划、系统〕彻底失败 a dangerous area of rock where many climbers come unstuck 许多攀登者在此止步的危险岩石地带 b) SEPARATEif something comes unstuck, it becomes separated from the thing that it was stuck to 脱落;松开Examples from the Corpusunstuck• A bit too ambitious, that lad, he'd like to see me come unstuck.• I think he'd tried to make a certain birdie but he'd really come unstuck.• Take this with you in the car on the day and you shouldn't come unstuck.• The expensive, complex hybrid will come unstuck.• Another day we nearly came unstuck altogether.• Because many skiers rely on skidding, they come unstuck in deep snow.• However, everyone comes unstuck once in a while, especially when caught unawares.un·stuck adjectiveChineseSyllable  or Corpus they if system person, comes unstuck, a plan,




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