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单词 unreservedly
释义  un·re·serv·ed·ly /ˌʌnrɪˈzɜːvɪdli $ -ɜːr-/ adverb  COMPLETEif you express a feeling or opinion unreservedly, you do it completely and without any doubts 毫无保留地,完全地;坦率地 He apologized unreservedly. 他坦诚地道了歉。Examples from the Corpusunreservedly• Of course, the best way of getting these goodies is to give unreservedly.• County NatWest helped sentiment by declaring itself unreservedly positive on short-term prospects.• This humble mollusc can be unreservedly recommended as it is hardy and lives exclusively on algae.• The unfulfilled potential for new roles can not be completely and unreservedly surrendered to the psychiatrist.• Until very recently, his public statements were unreservedly unilateralist.un·re·serv·ed·ly adverbChineseSyllable  feeling unreservedly, or you Corpus a express if opinion




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