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单词 unmitigated
释义  un·mit·i·gat·ed /ʌnˈmɪtɪɡeɪtɪd/ adjective  an unmitigated disaster/failure/pleasure etc BADsomething that is completely bad or good 十足的灾难/失败/快乐等Examples from the Corpusunmitigated• To an outsider this seemed a quite natural progression, but within the West Indies it was not greeted with unmitigated delight.• The first day of the offensive broke with cynical summer loveliness on a scene shortly to be one of unmitigated horror.• He must have been an unmitigated nuisance to Kasturt in the household.• How did the Metropolitan Grill became an unmitigated overnight sensation?• Dinner, however, was an unmitigated triumph.un·mit·i·gat·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  that something is completely good Corpus or bad




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