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单词 prop
释义  prop1 /prɒp $ prɑːp/ verb (propped, propping) [transitive always + adverb/preposition]  1 PUTto support something by leaning it against something, or by putting something else under, next to, or behind it 把…靠在…上;支住,支撑prop something against/on something He propped his bike against a tree. 他把自行车靠在一棵树上。 Can we prop the window open with something? 我们能不能用什么东西撑住窗户让它开着?2 prop something ↔ up phrasal verb a) SUPPORT/HOLD UPto prevent something from falling by putting something against it or under it 支撑,撑住〔某物〕 The builders are trying to prop up the crumbling walls of the church. 建筑工人正在设法把快要倒塌的教堂墙壁撑住。 against paintings propped up against the wall 倚墙放的画b) HELPto help an economy, industry, or government so that it can continue to exist, especially by giving money 〔尤指通过提供资金〕支持,维持〔某经济体、工业或政府〕 The government introduced measures to prop up the stock market. 政府推出措施来扶持股市。c) prop yourself upSUPPORT/HOLD UP to hold your body up by leaning against something 靠着〔某物〕站直[坐直],撑着站起[坐起],撑起身体prop yourself up on/against/with She propped herself up on one elbow. 她用一边胳膊肘撑起身子。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusprop• An old guitar lay propped against a wall.• As soon as the infant Arthur was old enough to be propped against the proscenium arch, he was included in the turn.• Nurse Bells had propped him upright and he looked alert and interested.• He propped his bicycle against the fence and ran inside.• Anushkia Smyslov had bandaged Alex Bannen's head, and the physicist was propped in a sitting position against a workstation.• She remembered him propped up by the nurses, waving his little hands about.• The President was propped up in bed.• They prop up prices for growers by controlling production rather than through federal subsidies.• Duncan had left Myeloski propping up the bar, drinking his customary vodka and Budweiser chaser.• They are trying to prop up the tumbling stockmarket by cutting the supply of new issues.prop ... open• Empty the fridge, wipe it out, collect up thawed water from its freezer section and leave the door propped open.• Fetch some universal brake-fluid and a five-eighths screwdriver from your toolkit then prop the bonnet open.• One elbow was on the counter, and his head was propped in his open hand.• It also was the best thing at hand to prop open the heavy outer door of his building.• When I got down to the close, however, I discovered the bottom door propped wide open to facilitate a flitting.• They crossed the jetty to a large wooden door, which had been propped open with a three-legged stool.• Several doors had been propped open with garbage cans, and footage from the security cameras was missing.Related topics: Theatre, Film, Airprop2 noun [countable]  1. SUPPORT/HOLD UPan object placed under or against something to hold it in a particular position 支柱,支撑物2  APTAMF[usually plural] a small object such as a book, weapon etc, used by actors in a play or film 〔戏剧或电影中的〕道具 Anna looks after costumes and props. 安娜管理服装和道具。 stage props 舞台道具3  HELPsomething or someone that helps you to feel strong 支持者;后盾;靠山 She was becoming an emotional prop for him. 她成了他的感情支柱。4. informalTTA a propeller 螺旋桨;推进器5. (also prop forward) one of the players in a rugby team, who is large and strong and holds up the scrum 〔橄榄球的〕支柱前锋Examples from the Corpusprop• The days of buying politicians and pimping ballot props are over because the public has wised up.• Low interest rates are the stock market's most important prop.• Salford prop David Young has been appointed to lead the side in the absence of Davies.• And Lewis was such a tremendous stage prop.• The clothes lines were taken down and rolled up by the dustbins, together with the props.From Longman Business Dictionaryprop.prop. written abbreviation for PROPRIETOROrigin prop2 1. (1400-1500) Middle Dutch proppe2. (1800-1900) property3. (1900-2000) propellerprop1 verbprop2 nounChinese   Corpus to support it leaning by Business against something




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