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单词 unmanned
释义 Word family  noun man manhood mankind adjective manly ≠ unmanly manned ≠ unmanned mannish verb man adverb manfully  Related topics: Spaceun·manned /ˌʌnˈmænd◂/ adjective  1. TTSMACHINEan unmanned spacecraft does not have a person inside it 〔宇宙飞船〕无人驾驶[操纵]的2  if a place is unmanned, nobody is working there 〔地方〕无人看管的 an unmanned railway crossing 无人看管的铁路道口Examples from the Corpusunmanned• One platform in the Viking field has already been turned into an unmanned unit.un·manned adjectiveChineseSyllable  not Corpus does a unmanned spacecraft an have person




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