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单词 unload
释义  Related topics: Photography, Weaponsun·load /ʌnˈləʊd $ -ˈloʊd/ ●○○ verb  1  vehicle/ship 车/船 a) TAKE something FROM SOMEWHERE[transitive] to remove a load from a vehicle, ship etc 从〔车、船等〕卸下〔货物〕unload something from something The driver unloaded some boxes from the back of the truck. 司机从卡车后部卸下了一些箱子。 b) [intransitive]TAKE something FROM SOMEWHERE if a ship unloads, the goods that it carries are removed from it 〔船〕卸货2  get rid of STH 除去某物 [transitive] informal a) GET RID OFto get rid of something illegal or not very good by selling it quickly 把〔非法或不是很好的东西〕脱手,抛售;倾销 Investors continued to unload technology stocks on Thursday. 星期四投资者继续抛售科技股。unload something on/onto something Hundreds of cheap videos were unloaded on the British market. 数百种廉价录像带在英国市场上倾销。 b) GET RID OFto get rid of work or responsibility by giving it to someone else 摆脱,推卸〔工作或责任〕unload something on/onto somebody Don’t let him unload his problems onto you. 别让他把他的问题都推到你身上。3  feelings 感情 [intransitive, transitive] American English to express strong feelings, especially anger, to someone when you are extremely upset 倾诉,吐露;发泄 Koch unloaded his concerns over dinner one night. 一天晚上吃饭时,科克诉说了自己的担忧。unload (something) on somebody When he got back to the office, Green unloaded on his staff. 格林回到办公室后,把气撒在了员工身上。4. camera 照相机TCP [transitive] to remove the film from a camera 从…取出胶卷5. gun 枪 [intransitive, transitive]PMW to remove the bullets from a gun 退出(子弹)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusunload• He stood quietly and watched the boxes being unloaded.• Much oil and petrol is unloaded at docks along the canal, particularly for a petrochemical works at Carrington.• The ship is unloading at the dock right now.• Paul's job was mainly unloading cartons and stacking them.• Mike climbed the steps without speaking, and unloaded his cameras and camera bag on a mat.• Everything was grey, wet and colourless as we stood by the rail watching the luggage being unloaded into the custom sheds.• I am anxious to unload, Mr Tyron.• In recent months, Fidelity, not just Magellan, has unloaded tech stocks.• Could you unload the dishwasher?• Wall Street had speculated earlier this week that Kodak would unload the unprofitable unit.• There was a certain way of unloading timber which made the work quite straight forward.unload something from something• I need some help unloading the sofa from the truck.unload something on/onto somebody• Ben has a habit of unloading his work on others.unload (something) on somebody• When he got back to the office, Green unloaded on his staff.From Longman Business Dictionaryunloadun‧load /ʌnˈləʊd-ˈloʊd/ verb1[intransitive, transitive]TRANSPORT to remove a load from a vehicle, ship etcDelivery people were unloading fax machines.This is where the ships load and unload.2[transitive]FINANCE to get rid of something quickly, especially by selling large quantities, for example because its price is fallingThe poor economy prompted investors to unload shares.Their U.S. government bond desk unloaded $20 billion in government securities. —unloading noun [uncountable]the unloading of more than 2,000 tons of bananasThe company has been hurt by recent unloading of its stock.→ See Verb tableun·load verbChineseSyllable  a Business from Corpus to a vehicle, remove load




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