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单词 unless
释义  un·less /ʌnˈles, ən-/ ●●● S1 W1 conjunction  1  IFused to say that something will happen or be true if something else does not happen or is not true 如果不…,除非… Unless some extra money is found, the theatre will close. 要是不能找到更多资金,剧院将要关闭。 I think you should complain – unless, of course, you are happy with the way things are. 我觉得你应该发发牢骚——当然,除非你对现状很满意。 He won’t go to sleep unless you tell him a story. 要是你不给他讲故事他就不睡觉。 I can’t leave her unless I know she’s all right. 除非我知道她没事,否则我不能离开她。► see thesaurus at if2  not unless only if 只有… ‘Will you go with her?’ ‘Not unless she wants me to.’ “你和她一起去吗?” “她想让我去我才会去。5 GRAMMAR 语法:unless, if ... not, in case, or (else)• Use unless to say that something will happen or be true if something else does not happen or is not true. Do not use ‘will’ or ‘shall’ after unless. Use the present tense or present perfect. 表示某事将会在另一事不发生或不属实的情况下发生或属实,用  unless。unless 后不用 will 或 shall,而要用现在时或现在完成时Businesses will not survive unless they satisfy (NOT 不说 will satisfy) their customers.企业只有满足客户需求才能生存下去。• If you want to mention something that did in fact happen or is in fact true, use if ... not. 如要表示某事的确发生过或的确是事实,用 if ... notIf he had not tripped, he would have won (= but he did trip ).要不是他被绊倒了,他就赢了。• Use in case when talking about something that is or should be done because something might happen. 表示因为某事有可能发生而做或应该做另一件事,用 in caseI would go out if it wasn’t raining (= but it is raining ).要不是下雨,我就出去了。• Use or or or else to say what bad thing will definitely happen if something else does not happen. 表示如果不做另一件事,某件不好的事肯定会发生,用 or 或 or elseTake a sweater in case you get cold (NOT 不说 unless you get cold).带一件毛衣,以防你觉得冷。You’d better go, or else you’ll miss the train (NOT 不说 unless you miss the train).你该走了,否则会赶不上火车的。n GRAMMAR: Choosing the right tense• You use the simple present tense with unless: Unless the government changes its policy, the economic situation will get worse. • Don’t use ‘will’ in the clause after unless. ✗Don’t say: Unless the government will change its policy ... • You can also use the present perfect tense with unless: I won’t change anything unless someone has asked me to. ✗Don’t say: unless someone will have asked me to | unless someone will ask me to• To talk about the past, use the simple past with unless: Unless the company got a loan, it would go bankrupt.They threatened to kill him unless he gave them the money. ✗Don’t say: Unless the company would get a loan ...n USAGE: Unless, in case, or else•You use unless when saying that if something does not happen, something else will happen: Unless I hear from you (=if I don’t hear from you), I’ll assume everything’s OK.•You use in case when saying that you do something in order to be prepared if something happens: Take a sweater in case you get cold. 带一件毛衣,以防你觉得冷。•You use or else when saying that something bad will happen if you do not do something: You’d better go now, or else you’ll miss the train. 你该走了,否则会赶不上火车的。Examples from the Corpusunless• Unless he's a complete idiot, he'll understand.• Don't call me at the office unless it's absolutely necessary.• Milk quickly turns sour, unless it's refrigerated.• Unless the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game.• He must have resigned, unless they fired him.• Unless you are a military fan, the Pentagon tour isn't very exciting.• You won't pass your examinations unless you study hard.Origin unless (1400-1500) on less than “on a lower condition than” ((1400-1500))un·less conjunction →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n USAGE1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  used that true Corpus or happen if say be something will to




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