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单词 unleash
释义  Related topics: Petsun·leash /ʌnˈliːʃ/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  LET/ALLOWto suddenly let a strong force, feeling etc have its full effect 突然释放,发泄〔力量、感情等〕 Lefèvre’s comments unleashed a wave of protest. 勒菲弗的评论引发了一波抗议的浪潮。2. HBADHPto let a dog run free after it has been held on a leash 解开皮带以放开〔狗〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusunleash• The lyrics unleash a gigantic primal scream at the urban alienation and despair of our industrial world.• Lefevre's comments unleashed a wave of protest in Paris.• Bounding energetically about the court, unleashing an athletic, whip-like forehand, she was easily the better and more fit player.• His firm unleashes its nuclear arsenal of threats and writs.• If they are afraid of the undead, a Vampire is unleashed upon them.un·leash verbChineseSyllable   Corpus strong to force, suddenly a let feeling




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