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单词 unedifying
释义  un·ed·i·fy·ing /ʌnˈedəfaɪ-ɪŋ/ adjective formal  unpleasant and embarrassing 令人厌恶的;使人难堪的unedifying spectacle/sight/scene etc the unedifying spectacle of players attacking the referee 运动员攻击裁判的丢人场面Examples from the Corpusunedifying• If you do, you find yourself faced with unedifying alternatives such as those which Lewis proposes.• It was heard loud and clear in the unedifying battles of the early eighties.• That unedifying but intriguing little episode must have been round the Lab within minutes of its happening.• Middlesex acted swiftly after an unedifying scene at Fenner's in mid-April.unedifying spectacle/sight/scene etc• Middlesex acted swiftly after an unedifying scene at Fenner's in mid-April.un·ed·i·fy·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  unpleasant Corpus and embarrassing




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