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单词 undivided
释义 Word family  noun divide division subdivision adjective divided ≠ undivided divisible ≠ indivisible divisive verb divide subdivide  un·di·vid·ed /ˌʌndɪˈvaɪdɪd◂/ adjective  1  ATTENTION[usually before noun] complete 完整的;全部的 I’ll give the matter my undivided attention. 我会全力关注此事。2  not separated into smaller parts 未分开的;未划分的;完整的 an undivided country 完整的国家Examples from the Corpusundivided• A man may be looking forward to regaining the undivided attention of his wife.• He had given his undivided attention to decorating his house for more than a week.• Each has received her undivided attention.• Give us, pray, the benefit of your undivided attention.• Long, graceful leaves are divided into about twelve spindle-shaped leaflets with undivided margins, and a terminal leaflet.• It was total, undivided submission that would permit the building of an egalitarian community.• Sovereignty is not an undivided thing.undivided attention• Each has received her undivided attention.• Give the telephone conversation your undivided attention.• Give us, pray, the benefit of your undivided attention.• A man may be looking forward to regaining the undivided attention of his wife.• On the upside, I can safely say that I had the undivided attention of the class.• He had given his undivided attention to decorating his house for more than a week.• Now able to give his undivided attention to Thome, Orosco walked him.un·di·vid·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable   complete Corpus




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