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单词 under
释义  un·der /ˈʌndə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 preposition, adverb  1  below 在…下面UNDER/BELOW below or at a lower level than something, or covered by something 在…下面;在…之下;在…底下 OPP over Wendy had hidden the box under her bed. 温迪把盒子藏在了自己的床底下。 We sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge. 我们在金门大桥下航行。 Write your name under your picture. 在你的照片下面写上名字。 I could see something glittering under the water. 我看到水下有东西在闪闪发光。 He was wearing a jacket under his coat. 他在大衣里面穿了件夹克。 Under her arm, she carried a large portfolio. 她腋下夹了个大公文包。 In summer, we often slept under the stars. 夏天,我们经常露宿星空之下。 I’d scare my mom by diving in and staying under (=staying under the water) for as long as I could. 我会跳进水里,在水下待到憋不住为止,以此来吓唬我妈妈。 The bench collapsed under the weight of (=unable to support the weight of) so many people. 长椅承受不住这么多人的重量塌了。2  less than 少于LESS less than a particular number, amount, age, or price 〔数字、数量、年龄或价格〕低于,少于,在…以下 OPP over These toys are not suitable for children under five. 这些玩具不适合五岁以下的儿童玩。 Most of the events listed cost under £60. 所列活动项目的花费大多低于 60 英镑。 I spend just under four hours a day seeing customers. 我一天接待客户所花的时间将近四小时。and/or under Children aged 12 or under must be accompanied by an adult. 12 岁及 12 岁以下儿童必须由成人陪同。be under age (=be too young to legally drink, have sex etc) 未及法定年龄3  having STH done to it 对某事物进行处理HAPPEN used to say what is being done to something or how it is being dealt with 在…过程中under discussion/consideration/review etc The possibility of employing more staff is still under discussion (=being discussed, considered etc). 关于是否可以招聘更多员工的问题仍在讨论之。 All categories of expenditure are under review. 各项开支正在审查中。 Four new power stations are currently under construction. 有四座新的发电站目前正在建设中。 The port was coming under attack from enemy warships. 那个港口正遭到敌舰的攻击。4  affected by STH 受某事物的影响EFFECT/INFLUENCE affected by a particular condition, influence, or situation 在…影响下 She’s been under a lot of pressure at work. 她工作压力很大。under the influence of alcohol/drink/drugs etc He was accused of driving while under the influence of alcohol. 他被控酒后驾车。 The operation was carried out while she was under general anaesthetic. 手术在她全身麻醉的状态下进行。 I’m glad to see that you have everything under control. 很高兴看到一切都在你的控制之中。 Two of our national parks are currently under threat from road schemes. 目前筑路计划可能使我们的两个国家公园遭到破坏。 The doctor injected something into my arm and I immediately felt myself going under (=becoming unconscious). 医生往我手臂里注射了一种东西,我便立即失去了知觉。5  under ... conditions/circumstances if something happens under particular conditions, it happens when those conditions exist 在…的条件/情况下 I wish I’d met him under different circumstances. 我真希望不是在这种情况下遇见他的。 The system operates well under normal conditions. 正常情况下这个系统运转良好。6  law/agreement 法律/协议SAY/STATE according to a particular agreement, law etc 根据…,依照… the question of whether the trade is illegal under international law 根据国际法那笔生意是否违法的问题 Under the terms of the agreement, the debt will be repaid over a 20-year period. 根据这项协议的条款,这笔债务将在 20 年内还清。7  in power 掌权CONTROL if something happens under a particular leader, government etc, it happens when they are in power 在…掌权期间 a program initiated under President Clinton and continued under President Bush 在克林顿总统时期启动、布什总统时期继续实施的一个计划 Under her leadership, the magazine’s circulation doubled in less than a year. 在她的领导下,这份杂志的发行量不到一年就翻了一倍。 Would it have been different under a Labour government? 如果是工党执政,会有改变吗?8  position at work 工作职位LOW POSITION OR RANK if you work under someone, they have a higher position in the company, organization etc than you, and they help to direct your work 在…手下工作,在…的管辖下 She had a total staff of ten working under her. 一共有十名员工在她手下工作。 From 1847 to 1851 he served under Captain John Randolph Stokes. 1847年至1851年,他在约翰·伦道夫·斯托克斯上校手下服役。 At Cambridge he studied under (=was a student of) F. R. Leavis. 他在剑桥大学期间师从 F. R. 利维斯。9  where information is 信息的所在TYPE used to say in which part of a book, list, or system particular information can be found 在…下面〔表示某个信息可以在书、清单或系统中的某个地方找到〕be/be filed/be listed etc under The baby’s records are filed under the mother’s last name. 宝宝的记录归档在母亲的姓氏下。10  different name 别名NAME OF A PERSON if you write or do something under a particular name, you do it using that name instead of your real name 用〔某个名字〕;假托… He made a few records under the name of Joe Ritchie. 他用乔·里奇的名字录制了几张唱片。 THESAURUSunder something that is under something else has that thing directly above it or covering it 在…下面,在…底下〔两者之间没有其他物体〕The pen was under the desk. 钢笔在书桌下面。She had a T-shirt on under her sweater. 她在毛衣里面穿了件T恤衫。below in a lower position than something else, though not always directly under it 〔位置〕低于,在…之下〔不一定是正下方〕From the cliffs we could barely see the people on the beach below us. 我们在峭壁上几乎看不到下面海滩上的人。His apartment is below ours on the left. 他的公寓在我们的左下方。underneath under – used especially to emphasize that something covers, touches, or hides something 在…下面,在…底下〔尤用于强调某物覆盖、接触或掩盖另一物〕The girls wear shorts underneath their cheerleading skirts. 女孩们在啦啦队短裙下面穿了短裤。I found the book underneath the sofa. 我在沙发底下找到了那本书。beneath formal under or at a lower level 在…下面;〔位置〕低于They strolled hand in hand beneath the summer moon. 他们手拉手在夏夜的月光下散布。The water lies just beneath the surface of the earth. 水就在地表之下。Examples from the Corpusunder• Children under 16 will not be admitted without an adult.• I've been under a lot of stress lately.• Selling alcohol to anyone under age 21 is a crime.• He's been working under Amato for six months.• In our library, novels are classified under Crime, Romance, and General.• She has at least 40 people under her at Shell.• Several of the employees under him complained of his bullying behavior.• He has a small scar under his nose.• Several of the stolen items were found buried under Mackie's house.• The organization is tax exempt under section 501 of the tax code.• The information is filed under the child's last name.• "Where's the cat?" "She crawled under the couch."• The pen fell under the desk.• If there's no one at home, just shove the letter under the door.• He was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.• Krentz writes historical romances under the name Amanda Quick.• It is one of the largest mountain ranges under the Pacific ocean.• A small dog scampered into the room and dived under the table.• I could see something glittering under the water.• The Association of British Travel Agents is listed under "Trade Associations and Professional Bodies" in the Yellow Pages.under the weight of• There it stood, with its lifeless leather seat hanging down under the weight of absolutely nothing.• Cameron's brain reeled slightly under the weight of all these alternatives.• Almost at once she was back again staggering under the weight of an enormous round chocolate cake on a china platter.• Pad and pencil were more than Glover could take after a long night under the weight of his thought.• Except maybe me under the weight of my blunders.• He felt as if he weren't so much walking now as stumbling forward under the weight of that thought.• Some buildings collapsed under the weight of the ash from the volcano.• He stumbled under the weight of the branch and slithered into a hollow, ankle-deep in mud.• Its sister mission in Tumacacori was built of adobe and has crumbled under the weight of the years.• Paul staggered under the weight of two backpacks.just under• With interest and penalties, the tax bill came to just under $ 25,000.• As an aside the research revealed that just under half of the women questioned did not support the women's liberation movement.• Were it an elephant, our feet would be in its midriff, our heads just under its rib-cage.• First came the tiny bark beetles, whose larvae have now left intricate galleries just under the bark.• There she found her letter unopened, just under the carpet.• There, propped against the wall just under the coat pegs, was the empty frame.• Cut just under the leaf, where it joins the stem.• With just under two minutes left, Leicester led 88-83.under discussion/consideration/review etc• During the 1980s, the internal organisation of local authorities again came under review.• Inflation had clearly supplanted economic growth as the major concern of government economic policy by the end of the period under review.• Other initiatives A number of other centrally instigated initiatives are under way or under consideration.• State funding of campaigns is under consideration.• The commission has insisted that the memorial contain a significant educational component, but the contents are still under discussion.• This meant that the project came under review every year.• Some of the changes under discussion had already been implemented elsewhere.• The repeal of sections of the Bill of Rights has been under discussion since October 1995.under ... pressure• Tranmere just creaked and groaned under the pressure.• But the 2-1 favourite was under pressure almost from the outset and betting slips were already being crumpled before the second circuit.• It was the heyday of imperialism, and all the Great Powers were under pressure for competitive modernization.• Gav's under pressure from his missus to be home earlier while Paul's wife is about to walk out.• The plane also demonstrated reliability under the real-world pressures of a fast-paced airlift operation.• The cadres, under pressure, singled out alleged culprits on no pretext at all.• Managed-care companies that had kept prices low to attract new customers are under heavy pressure to increase earnings.• I knew a few words, but under pressure to perform forgot everything.under the name of• This is part of public law but tends to go under the name of constitutional law.• He secretly slipped into Paris under the name of Duong, and nostalgia for the city welled up in him.• Viett lived in Madgeburg under the name of Eva Schnell.• He dragged a telephone directory from a shelf and looked under the name of Farquarson.• He made a few records under the name of Joe Ritchie.• These calculators would be sold under the name of Noxid.• Persian Turkomans are entirely tribal and are marketed either as Bokharas or under the name of the specific tribe.• He remembered the books he had written under the name of William Wilson.under- /ʌndə $ -dər/ prefix  1  ENOUGH#less of an action or quality than is correct, needed, or desired 不足,不够 underdevelopment 欠发达 undercooked cabbage 没煮熟的卷心菜2  UNDER/BELOWgoing under something 在〔某物〕之下 an underpass (=a road or path that goes under another road) 地下通道3  UNDER/BELOWinside or beneath other things 在…里[下]面的 undergarments 内衣4  LOW POSITION OR RANKless important or lower in rank 次要的,〔级别〕较低的 a head gardener and three under-gardeners 一名主管花匠和三名辅助花匠Examples from the Corpusunder-• undercooked meat• underwearOrigin under Old Englishun·der preposition →THESAURUS1under- prefixChineseSyllable  level a or at something, below lower Corpus or than




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