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单词 uncouth
释义  un·couth /ʌnˈkuːθ/ adjective  RUDE/IMPOLITEbehaving and speaking in a way that is rude or socially unacceptable 〔言语和行为〕粗鲁的,不文明的 —uncouthly adverb —uncouthness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusuncouth• If she knew it, green and uncouth as she was, Pertwee would know it also.• The stamp of the uncouth barbarian was on me.• The city's elite viewed her as an uncouth farm girl.• This led them to conclude that they were uncouth, filthy creatures who barely knew how to look after themselves.• Even as she sank, she would know the woman was still leaning forward, great uncouth lump, writing.• Despite his uncouth manner and four-letter language, no editor is more courted by senior Conservative politicians.• Before visiting the remote north, I had rather expected the folk there to be rough, uncouth, possibly even hostile.• He had seemed puzzled but intrigued by the clogged, uncouth sketches of peasants.Origin uncouth Old English uncuth, from un- + cuth “known, familiar”un·couth adjectiveChineseSyllable  a way speaking Corpus that behaving in and




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