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单词 typist
释义  Related topics: Occupationstyp·ist /ˈtaɪpɪst/ noun [countable]  1. BOWRITEa secretary whose main job is to type letters 打字员2  WRITEsomeone who uses a computer keyboard or a typewriter 打字者 I’m a slow typist. 我打字很慢。Examples from the Corpustypist• Instead, the questions are relayed by a chat moderator, and a typist enters the replies.• Of course, Nora felt being a typist was below her, and she couldn't bear the people she worked with.• She was only a typist in the navy.• A politically appointed typist could be required to type the same number of words a minute as the civil service typist.• Their bosses view them as no more than glorified typists and they are denied career opportunities.• If you are not a proficient typist, do not type your own work.• But the typist turns out to be a prisoner serving a sentence for rape.• This point of near total degradation would be reached before 99.9995 percent of the typists had even seen it.From Longman Business Dictionarytypisttyp‧ist /ˈtaɪpɪst/ noun [countable] a secretary whose main job is to write letters and other documents using a WORD PROCESSORtyp·ist nounChineseSyllable   Corpus main to secretary job a Business is whose




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