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单词 typeface
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingtype·face /ˈtaɪpfeɪs/ noun [countable]  TCNa group of letters, numbers etc of the same style and size, used in printing 〔印刷用的〕字体 SYN font The new logo features a more modern typeface. 新标识的特点是采用了更加现代的字体。Examples from the Corpustypeface• Fonts is really a shortcut to the folder that holds your fonts, also known as typefaces.• The use of different typefaces, other than in shoulder headings, is rare.• The Blue Book also contains more maps and uses different typefaces than the Red Book.• This technique was especially powerful in generating typefaces and fonts.• Let's assume we are producing a three column newsletter and we have already decided to use 10 point Palatino as our typeface.• Doubleclick or open the typeface, and you get a style sheet that you can print.• The next choice is to select the typefaces to be used.• And, even more essential, that the typefaces you are using within the package are available on those systems.From Longman Business Dictionarytypefacetype‧face /ˈtaɪpfeɪs/ noun [countable] a group of letters, numbers etc of the same style and size, used in printinga sans serif typefaceThe headings are set in bold typeface.type·face nounChineseSyllable  numbers style same of the etc of a Business Corpus group letters,




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