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单词 trunk
释义  Related topics: Plants, Motor vehicles, Animals, Household, Humantrunk /trʌŋk/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  tree 树HBP the thick central woody stem of a tree 树干 He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk. 他把他的自行车斜靠在树干上。trunk of the trunk of an old oak tree 老橡树的树干 →4  See picture of 见图 TREE →5 see picture at 见图 tree2  car 汽车 American EnglishTTC the part at the back of a car where you can put bags, tools etc 〔汽车后部的〕行李箱,后备箱 SYN British English boot Put your suitcase in the trunk. 把你的手提箱放在后备箱里。3. elephant 大象HBA the very long nose of an elephant 象鼻4. clothes 衣服 swim trunks American English, swimming trunks British English [plural]DCC a piece of clothing like very short trousers, worn by men for swimming 男式游泳裤5. box 箱子DH a very large box made of wood or metal, in which clothes, books etc are stored or packed for travel 大木[铁]箱,大旅行箱 →4  See picture of 见图 BOX 1 →5 see picture at 见图 box16. body 身体 technicalHBH the main part of your body, not including your head, arms, or legs 〔人的〕躯干 SYN torso → suitcaseExamples from the Corpustrunk• Barbara Molland had found the box in a trunk that stood under the window in Kate's room.• Parked on his trunk, Mitchell finished reading the Miami HemId; both the crowd and his optimism began to thin out.• As the phrase suggests, a main trunk of cables splits off into branches which supply individual subscribers.• His powerful trunk and huge belly filled the chair and the yellow cattleman's boots were laced half way up the stout legs.• She knelt by the trunk, flinging aside papers, reaching down and down, scrabbling in the corners.• She stepped on the emergency brake and got out to help Paul get his suitcase in the trunk.• One wanted me to open the trunk.• Now, this tree is aberrant in that it has two trunks.tree trunk• Unfortunately, the Brownsea red squirrels are also nervous; generally they get behind a tree trunk when they hear people approach.• Although they do not need it to fight they are usually armed with a big club made from a tree trunk.• A mourning cloak butterfly flew up from a tree trunk in the sunshine where it was basking.• Forty feet away was a nest box fixed to a tree trunk at a height of 8 feet above the ground.• Hiding in the swamp, Sammler lay under a tree trunk, in the mud, under scum.• My ankles were like tree trunks and I could just about reach the model because I was so big.• In addition, the tree trunks are ringed with bright green growths at their bases.• And the tree trunks to black.Origin trunk (1400-1500) Old French tronc “box, main part of a body”, from Latin truncus “tree-trunk, main part of a body”trunk nounChinese  the central woody of Corpus tree a thick stem




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