单词 |
true-life |
释义 |
ˌtrue-ˈlife adjective [only before noun] REAL/NOT IMAGINARYbased on real facts and not invented 真人真事的;以事实为依据的 〔而不是虚构的〕 a true-life adventure 一次真实的奇遇Examples from the Corpustrue-life• This true-life horror story coming out of Los Angeles a few years back became an instant media sensation.• a true-life horror story• These true-life oases in the middle of a desert are a marvel of nature.• She tries not to think about the media scrutiny ahead or the difficulties of tackling a true-life part.• This compelling true-life story will entice even reluctant readers.ˌtrue-ˈlife adjectiveChineseSyllable based on and real not Corpus facts invented |
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- mattdrudge
- matte
- matted
- matter
- mattered
- matterhorn
- Matterhorn, the
- mattering
- matter-of-fact
- matter of fact
- matter-of-factly
- matter of factly
- matters
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- matthew-arnold
- matthewarnold
- Matthew, Saint
- matthew,-saint
- matthew,saint
- Matthews, Sir Stanley
- matthews,-sir-stanley
- matting
- mattins
- mattins
- matt lucas
- Neuroglia
- Glia
- Intensive care
- Abdominal cavity
- Thru
- Gonorrhea
- Range of products
- Intrust
- Fifo
- Chitin
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- 《枉己者,未有能直人者也。》是什么意思|译文|出处
- 《枉杖良善,灾仇无赦》原文与赏析
- 《枉桡不当,反受其殃.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
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